Editing client publishes his first military SF novel

A recent Screenshot_20200227-153925editing client has published his first military sci-fi novel.

Jermey Mapes' "The Ammalgathon" tells the tale of Operative Fox, a member of the Arsagorian Special Forces Regiment.

From the book description: "Third-world countries like Mekahnashan rarely warrant deployment of 'The Animals,' but the invasion stalls, and Command wants a harder push where the grunts have gone soft. Fox’s team touches down for intel, and they should have torn through the opposition with ease. Farmers and fishermen don’t fair well against silencers. But war seldom goes as planned . . . Fox’s team is wiped out, and trapped behind enemy lines, he’s forced to build a new one from survivors of the initial invasion. They are just as much in need as he is, and their collective survival is dependent upon cooperation and trust. But how can there be trust in a war built on lies? The others didn’t see what Fox saw. Command hadn’t told him what he would find. It wasn’t farmers or fishermen that massacred his team. It was something that had been watching and waiting all along. It was older, wiser, and far deadlier . . . and it wasn’t human."

Mapes' book can be purchased online.

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

A book is really like a lover. It arranges itself in your life in a way that is beautiful. - Maurice Sendak


Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

Holiday Book Recommendation for Western Fans

If you're Ash Lingam Texas Ranger 3 looking for a good holiday gift for a lover of westerns, check out my editing client Ash Lingam's "Texas Ranger 3: A Western Adventure."

A madman is on the loose along the Texas rivers, and it is the Rangers’ job to stop the killer. Capt. Rowdy Bates, along with three men from the Laredo post, board the Magnolia paddleboat headed for the Brazos River. How many bodies will accumulate before they stop this killing spree?

"Texas Ranger 3" is available on Amazon.com.

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

Book Recommendation for Parents of Autistic Kids

If you Kathleen Jaeneed a good holiday gift for the parent of an autistic child, check out my editing client Kathleen Jae's "From Prompting to Shaping to Letting Go: My Love Affair with ABA and How Being a 'Bad Mom.' Helped My Daughter with Autism Succeed."

Almost 25 years ago, a school administrator blurted “Only bad moms make their children work and won’t let them play” to Kathleen Jae, who had said she was going to use Applied Behavior Analysis to teach her just diagnosed three-year-old daughter with autism. Jae will be the first admit that at that time she did not know much about autism or ABA, but she understood enough to realize that behavioral therapy was the only way to teach her daughter to learn how to learn.

A quarter of a century later, more parents than ever are receiving the same diagnosis for their children, and ABA is still the only scientific-based intervention recommended for autism. In this book, Jae describes how and she and her daughter encountered a myriad of roadblocks along the way, but their tenacity and courage defeated the naysayers.

"From Prompting to Shaping to Letting Go" is available on Amazon.com.

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

Holiday Book Recommendation: Be a 'Kid' Again

If you Jana Williamsneed a good holiday gift for someone going through a rough spot in their life, check out my editing client Jana Williams' "Playground Instruction for the Growing Adult."

Of her book, Williams writes:

"Are you fixated on a life that’s not your own? Just can’t seem to get going with realizing your dreams? Feel like you’re stuck in the mud of excuses and your past? Don’t know what to do?

"Then, it’s time to hit the playground!

When children play, they’re learning the skills and life lessons needed to succeed as adults. But as grown-ups, we sometimes forget what we learned as children.

"'Playground Instruction for the Growing Adult' reminds us of those lessons and points the way toward the personal and professional growth needed to propel ourselves forward."

Calls to Action such as “Get physical and don’t just spectate”, “Ditch the hang-ups”, and “Do what you love” are highlighted within the pages of this book.

"Playground Instruction for the Growing Adult" is available on Amazon.com.

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

Book Recommendation for Grieving Grandparents

If you Jane Elling need a good holiday gift for a grandparent who recently lost a grandchild, check out my editing client Jane Elling "Love You, Jonah: Healing Ideas for Grieving Grandparents."

Grandparents experience a unique grief when suffering the heart-wrenching loss of a grandchild. They mourn not just for the relationship they’ll never have but also for their own grown child’s loss. Unfortunately, their grief often is minimized by others if not simply overlooked.

In "Love You, Jonah," Elling relives a day in the life of her lost grandson, through verse and illustrations, to honor him and to process her own grief. She describes how this project helped her heal and gives practical tips for how fellow grieving grandparents might start their own project to do the same.

"Love You, Jonah" is available on Amazon.com.

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

Holiday Book Recommendation for Thinkers

If you Anderson Silverneed a great holiday gift for those with a philosophical bent, check out my editing client Anderson Silver's "Your User's Manual: A Guide for Purpose and an Anxiety Free Life in the 21st Century."

Silver begins be asking several deep questions...What is the point? What is the purpose of life? Why must I suffer the stress, and anxiety that comes with it? Why does it all seem so hard and so unfair?

Silver offers answers to all of these questions by examining the teachings of Stoicism and other schools of thought. It also provides the tools for finding purpose, and living an anxiety-free life in the modern world.

Meant as a light read that the reader can come back to and meditate on periodically, Silver has done a wonderful job of condensing fundamental teachings, making "Your User’s Manual" a straightforward read in answering life’s most pressing questions and recognizing what is truly important.

"Your User's Manual" is available on Amazon.com.

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

Holiday Book Recommendation: Good Feel Tales

If you Joe Claerhoutneed a great holiday gift for those who enjoy humorous, inspiring stories, check out my editing client Joe Claerhout's "Celebration of Life - A Memoir."

This follow-up to Joe's first book “Our Battle with Cancer,” is filled with hope, gratitude and mindfulness in the everyday details of life. Even in the face of death, Joe has a way to look at every situation in a positive light. He is a family man with strong faith who has had a great influence on others and is loved and adored in the community.

You may find yourself laughing and crying with his introspective look at life these last couple years while battling cancer. His thoughts come to life in this compilation of short stories and reflection within. With his faith in God stronger than it ever has been, Joe writes to help others cope with everyday challenges and hopes to inspire his readers to find purpose and joy in life.

"Celebration of Life - A Memoir" is available on Amazon.com.

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

Holiday Book Recommendation for Lovers of Christmas Stories and Modern Romances

If you Darrell Magnumneed a good holiday gift for those who enjoy a solid Christmas story and romance, check out my editing client Darrell Magnum's "Robert: A Christmas Story."

Michelle isn’t looking for a boyfriend. Her life is full. She has good friends, her work at the university is challenging, and her large, loving family is always full of excitement. But Michelle isn’t expecting Robert to sit down in her life.

Robert will change everything. He will challenge everything she thinks she knows about her life. Laughter, love, tears, and new horizons are waiting for her if she can only help Robert find his place in her life.

Robert isn't like anyone she has ever known before, yet there is something about him. Something that tells her to trust him, something that she will help her family see, and then they might love him, too.

"Robert: A Christmas Story" is available on Amazon.com.

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

Holiday Book Recommendation for Thrillers Fans

If you Micke Annineed a great holiday gift for those who enjoy a solid thriller, check out my editing client Miche Anni's "Nine Above A Bastard."

The novel begins when a man is found dead on the street. Two rookie cops are sent into a rundown apartment building near the scene to search for witnesses.

They know the assignment is busy work to cover the bases and nothing is likely to come out of it. Door after door, floor after floor, their effort yields nothing.

Until they meet Sheila.

Drawn into her apartment, the rookies are sucked into a confusing story that seems unrelated to their mission. But it brings them face-to-face with a festering hatred, unlike anything they've ever known.

"Nine Above A Bastard" is available on Amazon.com.

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.