Editor publishes his first children’s book
I’m proud to announce the publication today of my first children’s book, A No-Good, Worthless Book, the tale of a book who lacks self-esteem but with the reader’s help finds it.
From the back cover blurb:
On a shelf in your library is a no-good, worthless book. It ought to remain on the shelf. There is no need to remove it and look at its cover.
This is that book.
So put this book back!
What they’re saying about this book:
“A favorite of non-readers everywhere.” – Nonreaders Review
“Absolutely never ever bring this book to my classroom.” – Mrs. Crabapple, second-grade teacher, Grumpstown Elementary School
"I can’t believe we wasted money on this book." – Mr. Shush, children’s librarian, Quiettown Public Library
“Makes an excellent paperweight.” – International Journal of Presse-Papiers
"Hey, where did I put that no-good, worthless book? Oh, who cares about it anyway?" – Mr. I.M. Isplacedit, famous book critic
The title is the first in my planned Misfit Books series. Forthcoming titles include: This Book is NOT about Balloons; The Book That Doesn’t Want To Be Read; Don’t Wake Up This Book; and This Book Needs a Break.
The book can be purchased online.
Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.