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How To Write An Author's Bio

Authors Bio

How to Market Your Book:
7 Minutes a Day to Promoting Your Book shows how to develop a strategy that will get articles about your self-published book in newspapers, magazines, on radio and television programs, posted on blogs, and linked to on websites, while landing you book signings and readings, all at virtually no cost.

"To give an artist leisure is actually to take part in his creation." - Ezra Pound


Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

Check your past usage: Previous vs. Prior

Before Left-297787_1280deciding which of these two words to use, you’ll want to read this article. You may find that your earlier uses of this pair were correct!

Previous is an adjective that means “earlier,” as in A brilliant light appeared in the sky just as it had the previous night.

Prior also is an adjective that means “earlier,” as in The president’s proposal is much less problematic than his prior calls to action.

Previous and prior are synonyms and can be used interchangeably. There is a small but vital distinction before them, however: Previous has an adverb form, previously, that can mean “before,” such as The FBI had previously investigated the man now accused of terrorism. “Before” is similar but slightly different than “earlier” in meaning. Prior does not have an adverb form.

So, if you intend to mean “earlier” and use it as an adjective in sentence, you can go with either previous or prior (Previous is slightly more common.). If you mean “before,” go with previously.

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

"It's none of their business that you have to learn how to write. Let them think you were born that way." - Ernest Hemingway


Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

6 Tips on Bringing Settings to Life


Which story setting to use? Backdrop vs. integral 
Don’t copy favorite characters, settings 
Describe setting from characters’ perspectives  
Keep freeze-frame in story brief, relevant 
Avoid reader confusion by anchoring story 
Avoid using tropes in your story

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

"Anyone who has lived to the age of eighteen has enough stories to last a lifetime." - Flannery O'Connor


Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

"Good writers of prose must be part poet, always listening to what they write." - William Zinsser


Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

Pages Authors Should Have On Their Website

Parts of a Website

How to Market Your Book:
7 Minutes a Day to Promoting Your Book shows how to develop a strategy that will get articles about your self-published book in newspapers, magazines, on radio and television programs, posted on blogs, and linked to on websites, while landing you book signings and readings, all at virtually no cost.

"You do not create a style...your style is an emanation from your own being." - Katherine Anne Porter


Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

Don’t freak out: What is the plural of crisis

If you Crisis-1718474_1920 want to send some writers into a panic, ask them to spell the plural of crisis. You’ll get a lot of strange answers, from crisises to crisese.

Alas, the plural of crisis is crises. All you have to do is change the last i to an e.

Usually when a noun ends in s, you have to add an es to get its plural form. When a noun with Greek root ends in is, however, those two letters are changed to es to get a plural form.

So, there’s no need to call out the National Guard. Just remember the simple is>es rule, and you’ll have it all under control.

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.