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Great Quotations about Opening Lines

“Bring 00e all your intelligence to bear on your beginning.” – Elizabeth Bowen

“The best advice on writing I’ve ever received is, ‘Knock ‘em dead with that lead sentence.’” – Whitney Balliett

“An opening line should invite the reader to begin the story. It should say: Listen. Come in here. You want to know about this.” – Stephen King

“The last thing we discover in composing a work is what to put down first.” – Blaise Pascal

“Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“Get your character is trouble in the first sentence and out of trouble in the last sentence.” – Barthe DeClements

“Make everybody fall out of the plane first, and then explain who they were and why they were in the plane to begin with.” –Nancy Ann Dibble

“If you start with a bang, you won’t end with a whimper.” – T.S. Eliot

“In nearly all good fiction, the basic – all but inescapable – plot form is this: A central character wants something, goes after it despite opposition (perhaps including his own doubts), and so arrives at a win, lose, or draw.” – John Gardner

“Don’t mistake a good setup for a satisfying conclusion – many beginning writers end their stories when the real story is just ready to begin.” – Stanley Schmidt

“It begins with a character, usually, and once he stands up on his feet and begins to move, all I can do is trot along behind him with a paper and pencil trying to keep up long enough to put down what he says and does.” – William Faulkner

“First, find out what your hero wants, then just follow him!” – Ray Bradbury

“One of my many theories about short stories is that their titles and first lines ought to be memorable, because if not memorable they will not be remembered, and if not remembered the stories will not be reprinted (because no one can find them).” – Damon Knight

“I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose.” – Stephen King

“The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book.” – Mickey Spillane

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

"Replace your old books with the books you've always wanted to write." - Rob Bignell

Affirmation 33

Every success story begins with a dream. If you dream of being a professional, published author, that success story requires believing in yourself and in knowing that your efforts will lead to triumph. Read the motivational blog entry this quotation came from by clicking on the quote card.

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

9 Social Media Tips Authors Can't Live Without


Which social media is best to promote your book?
Cheatsheet for social media photo sizes  
Follow social media etiquette during promos
Add hashtags to your social media posts 
Use link shorteners for tidier promotions
Promote books to young adults using their social media
Use Reddit to promote young adult male books
Place social media addresses in your book
When to promote your book using Tumblr
• BONUS: Five magic words that sell more books  

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

"If you really want to know yourself, start by writing a book." - Shereen El Feki


Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

Getting deep inside: Embed vs. Imbed

Sometimes 000000000000000000000000vdifferent spellings of a single word arise. Such is the case with embed and imbed.

The verb embed means to root, plant or place something deeply within another thing. For example, The United States media often embeds reporters within military units during war.

Imbed means exactly the same thing and is merely a variant spelling.

One spelling is no more correct than the other. But usage trends show that since the early 1960s, embed increasingly has been used with more frequently than imbed. Because of this, going with embed is your best bet.

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

"As a writer, one spends a lifetime trying to minimize, if not eliminate, the distance between language and thought." - Arundhati Roy


Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

8 Tips to Make Your Writing More Vivid


Don't leave reader in fog with vague descriptions
Use concrete details
Examples of "concrete details"
Use sensory details rather than internalized ones
Appeal to sense of sound
Appeal to sense of touch
Appeal to sense of taste
Writing prompt: Sensuous dissection
• BONUS: "One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple." – Jack Kerouac

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

7Min Craft

5 Great Quotations about Poetry

“Any fool 00000000000000000zcan take a bad line out of a poem; it takes a real pro to throw out a good line.” - Theodore Roethke

“Poetry is the synthesis of hyacinths and biscuits.” - Carl Sandburg

“With me poetry has not been a purpose, but a passion.” - Edgar Allan Poe

“One merit of poetry few persons will deny — it says more and in fewer words than prose.” - Voltaire

“The poet doesn’t invent. He listens.” - Jean Cocteau

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

"For to know a man's library is, in some measure, to know his mind." - Geraldine Brooks


Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.

Affirmation 31

Every success story begins with a dream. If you dream of being a professional, published author, that success story requires believing in yourself and in knowing that your efforts will lead to triumph. Read the motivational blog entry this quotation came from by clicking on the quote card.

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.