7 Secrets to Maintaining Suspense in Fiction
Wodehouse lexicon published posthumously

5 Ideas for Science Fiction Stories

Science 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000wfiction stories typically arise from a novum, a scientifically plausible concept that is a “reality” in the tale. The novum might be an mechanical device like robot servants, artificial intelligence, or faster-than-light spacecraft; it also can be a hypothetical idea such as “The Earth is a scientific experiment run by aliens to determine the meaning of life” or “The government outlaws books.” The author then asks “What if?” exploring how the world with this novum is different than ours.

Among the problems of many novice science fiction writers is instead of introducing a new novum they rely on used furniture – that is, they borrow novums from popular SF series. After all, how many novels have you read that use starships exploring the galaxy for the Earth-based Federation? Barely changing names to appear as if you are not appropriating – a starcraft seeking M-class worlds for the Earth-centered Alliance – still doesn’t cut it as original or fully using the potential that science fiction offers to examine our culture or humanity.

To help SF writers, here are some novums of potential near-future inventions from which stories could be built:

Disassembling houses
What if when you moved utility clouds of microscopic robots that make up your house simply disassembled, moved with you, and reassembled where you relocated? What if entire buildings – even skyscrapers – do the same?

Electronet space debris remover
What if several nanosatellites, connected by electrically conducting tape were used to knock space debris into the atmosphere for burn up? The conducting tape would become electrically charged as it passed through the Earth’s magnetic field.

Heat shields made from asteroids
What if heat shields for spacecraft re-entry could be manufactured at a low cost from asteroid material while in space? What would be the benefits of having heat shields constructed on their way to a destination, even while in low Earth orbit?

Smart windows
What if windows could self-regulate themselves? That is they adjust as the temperature changes outside or inside to maintain comfort, they close when rain falls, they become soundproof when the teenager next door plays his music loud.

Spray-in power generation
What if we developed nano solar cells so sensitive that they can turn even infrared light into power – and these nano solar cells could be sprayed or painted on to a surface, like a wall? How does this change the way we power our electronic devices and appliances, and what will be the broader effect on society?

Professional Book Editor: Having your novel, short story or nonfiction manuscript proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. I can provide that second eye.


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