5 Must-Know Rules for Writing Academic Papers

Create infographics to support your book

Among the 5 Elements of an Infographicbest ways to present information on your blog, website or in your book – especially if writing nonfiction – is an infographic. A representation of information in visual form, you can see an example of one to the right of this text (The infographic is a visual representation of part of this entry!); click on it for a larger version.

Visitors to your blog and website are up to three times more likely to click an infographic than other types of content, such as videos, pictures and text. After all, which looks easier for you to read – this article or the infographic to the right?

That’s because when done right, infographics are easy to digest in very little time and they are engaging thanks to being visually pleasing and sometimes fun.

Even if you have no design experience, you still can make an infographic with ease. Start by writing the text. Then select a design platform to make them; a lot of software and even online apps have templates, sometimes for free. Among the possibilities for designing infographics are Adobe InDesign, Canva, Piktochart, Infograph.ly.

Most infographics include five elements:
Headline – Catchy and engaging, the headline in a few words tells you what the infographic is about, such as How to Be a Better Writer or 5 Tips for Creating the Perfect Pen Name. The headline should be in larger letters than the text that follows it. Sometimes a secondary head or subhead appears below the headline in a smaller font size to elaborate on it.
Text – This consists of the words that support the headline. They often are written as incomplete sentences and in bulleted lists so that they can be quickly read. Always be sure to include the source of the data or information used to create the text.
Imagery – Pictures or illustrations can be used to enhance the text. For example, in the infographic The 5-Step Writing Process, a number might be used to show which step the text represents (such as a 1 for brainstorming) or icons might be used, such as a pen on paper for the third step of drafting.
Whitespace – Whitespace is the empty unfilled space that appears between headlines, text and imagery. Think of whitespace as the canvas upon which you aesthetically balance headlines, text and imagery to maximize readability. It doesn’t have to be white or even a lone color.
Branding – Always include a link to your website on the infographic, usually at the bottom where it won’t compete with the text and imagery. A company logo, if you have one, also is a good idea. As your infographic is shared on the Internet, branding gives you free advertising.

Ideally, you want to construct an infographic that appears in your book. This helps maximize the benefits of your efforts – you enhance the readability of your book while at the same time have an item that be posted on social media platforms to promote the title and your author’s website.

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