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How to use page numbers in APA Style Citations

When writing Laptop-2559795_1920 an academic paper, you’ll undoubtedly have to provide in-text citations, which credit the information’s source. This shows you are not plagiarizing and allows readers interested in the cited research to more easily locate it for their own follow-up reading.

If writing your paper in APA style, there are specific rules for listing citations. How to provide page numbers in those citations often proves confusing, probably because they are done differently than in MLA and Kate Turabian.

Following are the APA styles for page numbers.

One page number
If a direct quotation or a paraphrase appears on a single page, the use the abbreviation p. (for page) and list the page number. Always place this in parentheses.

“Writing is creation. Through writing, we can understand what being human means. We can understand our own self…We can bring laughter and tears and deep introspection to our readers. We can store and share knowledge so others may lead better lives” (Bignell, 2014, p. 34).

Bignell (2014) states that “Writing is creation” (p. 34).

A love of words is a key trait of all serious writers (Bignell, 2014, p. 6).

Bignell (2014) claims that a love of words is a key trait of all serious writers (p. 6).

Two or more page numbers
If a direct quotation or paraphrase starts on one page then continue to another, use the abbreviation pp. (for pages) and list both the first and the last page numbers that the reference appears.

“When an idea for your story comes to you, write it down. Don’t limit yourself to that day’s story idea; write down any ideas for any story that come to you” (Bignell, 2014, pp. 7-8).

Bignell (2014) advises, “When an idea for your story comes to you, write it down. Don’t limit yourself to that day’s story idea; write down any ideas for any story that come to you” (pp. 7-8).

Carry a notepad wherever you go, so you can write down story ideas when they pop into your head (Bignell, 2014, pp. 7-8).

Bignell (2014) recommends carrying a notepad wherever you go, so you can write down story ideas when they pop into your head (pp. 7-8).

No page number
In the rare case where no page numbers occur, use the paragraph number. If a paragraph number isn’t provided in the cited source’s margin, you’ll have to count the number of paragraphs starting at the last header. Use the abbreviation para. (for paragraph) and place it in parentheses.

Books “became my companions” (Bignell, 2014, para 1).

Bignell (2014, para. 1) wrote that books “became my companions.”

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