Five Great Quotations about Passion for Writing
Different levels, kinds of editing exist

How to create suspense in your story

Conflict – the Plotcompetition a character faces as attempting to achieve a goal – always is the core of a story. But a good story is more than just a fight between a hero and a villain or an inner monologue in which one struggles what to do. Good storytelling involves suspense, that tension in which the reader is uncertain how the conflict will be resolved.

One good way to create suspense is to hold back information. Rather than fill the text with exposition and backstory, instead keep the reader wondering how problems will be settled.

For example, have a character pose a question – and then don’t answer it:

“Why the long face? What’s bothering you, kiddo?”

She folded her arms, looked away. “Nothing. Nothing’s wrong.”

Of course, something is wrong. Suspense is created because there is a dynamic between the two characters; one wants to know the answer to a question yet the other doesn’t want to provide that answer.

Another option is to withhold details as characters interact with objects. So, don’t write:

He slipped a hand into a coat pocket, fingered the detonator.

But instead write:

He slipped a hand into a coat pocket, pressed the tip of his thumb against a sharp point in anticipation.

In the revision, the reader is left wondering what is in the coat pocket. Later in the story, reveal that it is a detonator. Further, only use this technique if the object actually plays a key role in the plot.

Need an editor? Having your book, business document or academic paper proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. Whether you come from a big city like San Antonio, Texas, or a small town like Toad Suck, Arkansas, I can provide that second eye.


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