Another page you’ll want on a website promoting your book is an “About the Author.” Readers love to learn more about the author of a book they’re reading. If writing a nonfiction book, the author’s bio helps establish you as a qualified expert to write about your book’s topic, encouraging potential readers to purchase your writing. Finally, it gives the media information to add to any articles or blog entries about you.
Write the bio in third person, as if someone else were telling about you. This will sound more professional on your website.
There are no hard and fast rules about exactly how the bio will read. There are some aspects about your life that you may want to get into the bio, however:
• What do you do for a living?
• Have you won any awards (writing or otherwise)?
• Is this your first published book? If not, what are the titles of the other books you've published?
• Has your writing appeared elsewhere (magazines, newspapers, blogs, etc)?
• What makes you qualified to write the book (this is particularly important for authors of nonfiction books, not so relevant to novelists)?
• Where did you graduate from school, what is your highest degree, and what was it in?
• Where do you reside?
• Is there a blog or website about you or the book readers can be sent to? What is its name and URL?
Using answers to the above questions, here are a couple of author's bios that can be models of how to write one (The first is for my nonfiction book Hikes with Tykes; the second is for the author of a novel):
Rob Bignell is a long-time journalist, editor and hiker. He and his son Kieran have been hiking together for the past four years. Before Kieran, Rob served as an infantryman in the Army National Guard and taught middle school students in New Mexico and Wisconsin. His newspaper writing has won several journalism awards, from editorial to sports reporting. In 2001, The Prescott Journal, which he served as managing editor of, was named Wisconsin’s Weekly Newspaper of the Year. Currently he is CEO and owner of Inventing Reality Editing Service. He lives with his son in Southern California.
Bro Craig grew up in Coos River, Oregon, a third-generation Oregonian. As a child, he learned the value of friendship, honor and hard work. After graduating from Marshfield High School, he spent a year at Willamette University then transferred to the University of Oregon, earning a bachelor’s in marketing. During the next 35 years, he worked in the agriculture, aquaculture, forest products, and electronics industries. He obtained his commodity trading license, securities license, and Manager’s Food Handlers permit while starting, buying and selling businesses. He always had been encouraged to write about his adventures and experiences in life, and upon finally sitting down to pen them found his passion. Thus, "The Letters." This is his first of many novels to come in which he mixes fiction with nonfiction, leaving the reader questioning.
The author’s bio that you write for your website also can serve as the biography that appears on your book’s back cover or at the end of the book.
Finally, include a photo of yourself on this page. Readers not only like to learn about an author’s background, they like to see what she looks like. Usually a head shot is fine, but make sure it doesn’t look like an amateurish snapshot or one of those police mug shots.
Need an editor? Having your book, business document or academic paper proofread or edited before submitting it can prove invaluable. In an economic climate where you face heavy competition, your writing needs a second eye to give you the edge. Whether you come from a big city like Cleveland, Ohio, or a small town like Roachtown, Illinois, I can provide that second eye.